Geometry Seminar, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich


Gaussian Processes

for Machine Learning

Viacheslav Borovitskiy (Slava)

Gaussian Processes

Definition. A Gaussian process is random function $f$ on a set $X$ such that for any $x_1,..,x_n \in X$, the vector $f(x_1),..,f(x_n)$ is multivariate Gaussian.

The distribution of a Gaussian process is characterized by

  • a mean function $m(x) = \E(f(x))$,
  • a kernel (covariance) function $k(x, x') = \Cov(f(x), f(x'))$,

Notation: $f \~ \f{GP}(m, k)$.

The kernel $k$ must be positive (semi-)definite, i.e. for all $x_1, .., x_n \in X$
the matrix $K_{\v{x} \v{x}} := \cbr{k(x_i, x_j)}_{\substack{1 \leq i \leq n \\ 1 \leq j \leq n}}$ must be positive (semi-)definite.

Gaussian Process Regression


  • a prior Gaussian Process $\f{GP}(m, k)$
  • and data $(x_1, y_1), .., (x_n, y_n) \in X \x \R$,

giving the posterior (conditional) Gaussian process $\f{GP}(\hat{m}, \hat{k})$.

The functions $\hat{m}$ and $\hat{k}$ may be explicitly expressed in terms of $m$ and $k$.

An Application: Bayesian Optimization

Goal: minimize unknown function $\phi$ in as few evaluations as possible.

  1. Build GP posterior $f \given \v{y}$ using data $(x_1,\phi(x_1)),..,(x_n,\phi(x_n))$.
  2. Choose $$ \htmlClass{fragment}{ x_{n+1} = \argmax_{x\in\c{X}} \underbrace{\alpha_{f\given\v{y}}(x).}_{\text{acquisition function}} } $$ For instance, expected improvement $$ \alpha_{f\given\v{y}}(x) = \E_{f\given\v{y}} \max(0, {\displaystyle\min_{i=1,..,n}} \phi(x_i) - f(x)). $$

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Bayesian Optimization



  • geostatistics,
  • robotics,
  • more...


Prior Gaussian Processes

Matérn Gaussian Processes

$$ \htmlData{class=fragment fade-out,fragment-index=9}{ \footnotesize \mathclap{ k_{\nu, \kappa, \sigma^2}(x,x') = \sigma^2 \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} \del{\sqrt{2\nu} \frac{\norm{x-x'}}{\kappa}}^\nu K_\nu \del{\sqrt{2\nu} \frac{\norm{x-x'}}{\kappa}} } } \htmlData{class=fragment d-print-none,fragment-index=9}{ \footnotesize \mathclap{ k_{\infty, \kappa, \sigma^2}(x,x') = \sigma^2 \exp\del{-\frac{\norm{x-x'}^2}{2\kappa^2}} } } $$ $\sigma^2$: variance $\kappa$: length scale $\nu$: smoothness
$\nu\to\infty$: Gaussian kernel (Heat, Diffusion, RBF)

$\nu = 1/2$

$\nu = 3/2$

$\nu = 5/2$

$\nu = \infty$

Gaussian Processes on
Non-Euclidean Domains

Non-Euclidean Domains



How should Matérn kernels generalize to this setting?


$$ k_{\infty, \kappa, \sigma^2}^{(d_g)}(x,x') = \sigma^2\exp\del{-\frac{d_g(x,x')^2}{2\kappa^2}} $$

Theorem. (Feragen et al.) Let $M$ be a complete Riemannian manifold without boundary. If $k_{\infty, \kappa, \sigma^2}^{(d_g)}$ is positive semi-definite for all $\kappa$, then $M$ is isometric to a Euclidean space.

For Matérn kernels: apparently an open problem.

Need a different candidate generalization

Feragen et al. (2015)

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

$$ \htmlData{class=fragment,fragment-index=0}{ \underset{\t{Matérn}}{\undergroup{\del{\frac{2\nu}{\kappa^2} - \Delta}^{\frac{\nu}{2}+\frac{d}{4}} f = \c{W}}} } $$ $\Delta$: Laplacian $\c{W}$: Gaussian white noise

Generalizes well to the Riemannian setting

Whittle (1963)
Lindgren et al. (2011)

Solution for Compact Riemannian Manifolds

The solution is a Gaussian process with kernel $$ \htmlData{fragment-index=2,class=fragment}{ k_{\nu, \kappa, \sigma^2}(x,x') = \frac{\sigma^2}{C_\nu} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \del{\frac{2\nu}{\kappa^2} - \lambda_n}^{-\nu-\frac{d}{2}} f_n(x) f_n(x') } $$

$\lambda_n, f_n$: eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator

Borovitskiy et al. (NeurIPS 2020)

How to get $\lambda_n, f_n$?

Answer I: Discretize the Problem

Mesh the manifold, consider the discretized Laplace–Beltrami (a matrix).

Borovitskiy (NeurIPS 2020)

Answer II: Use Algebraic Structure

Manifold: Lie group. Metric: Killing form. Laplacian ≡ Casimir.

Eigenfunctions ≡ matrix coefficients of unitary irreducible representations.

$$ \begin{aligned} \htmlData{class=fragment}{k(x,y)} &\htmlData{class=fragment}{= \frac{\sigma^2}{C_\nu} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \del{\frac{2\nu}{\kappa^2} - \lambda_n}^{-\nu-\frac{d}{2}} f_n(x) f_n(y) } \\ &\htmlData{class=fragment}{= \frac{\sigma^2}{C_{\nu}}\sum_{\pi} \del{\frac{2\nu}{\kappa^2} - \lambda_{\pi}}^{-\nu-\frac{d}{2}} d_{\pi} \chi_{\pi}(y^{-1} x). } \end{aligned} $$

Compute $\chi_{\pi}$: Weyl character formula. Compute $\lambda_{\pi}$: Freudenthal’s formula.

Azangulov, Smolensky, Terenin, Borovitskiy (Preprint 2022)

Answer II: Use Algebraic Structure (also for homogeneous spaces)

Manifold: Hogenous space $G/H$. Metric: Inherited from the Lie group $G$.

Eigenfunctions ≡ spherical functions (for $G/H = \mathbb{S}_d$—spherical harmonics).

Characters $\chi_{\pi}$ are changed to zonal spherical functions $\phi_{\pi}$. For $G/H = \mathbb{S}_d$ — zonal spherical harmonics (certain Gegenbauer polynomials of distance).

Eigenvalues — same as for $G$.

$$ \begin{aligned} k(x,y) = \frac{\sigma^2}{C_{\nu}}\sum_{\pi} \del{\frac{2\nu}{\kappa^2} - \lambda_{\pi}}^{-\nu-\frac{d}{2}} d_{\pi} \phi_{\pi}(y^{-1} x). \end{aligned} $$

Azangulov, Smolensky, Terenin, Borovitskiy (Preprint 2022)

Riemannian Matérn kernels: examples

$k_{1/2}(\htmlStyle{color:rgb(255, 19, 0)!important}{\bullet},\.)$

A Similar Setting: Graphs

Matérn Kernels: Finite Undirected Graphs

The solution is a Gaussian process with kernel $$ \htmlData{fragment-index=2,class=fragment}{ k_{\nu, \kappa, \sigma^2}(i, j) = \frac{\sigma^2}{C_{\nu}} \sum_{n=0}^{\abs{V}-1} \del{\frac{2\nu}{\kappa^2} + \mathbf{\lambda_n}}^{-\nu} \mathbf{f_n}(i)\mathbf{f_n}(j) } $$

$\lambda_n, \mathbf{f_n}$: eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix

Borovitskiy et al. (NeurIPS 2020)

Graph Matérn kernels: examples

$k_{5/2}(\htmlStyle{color:rgb(255, 19, 0)!important}{\circ},\.)$


We now can compute kernels on



Thus we can use Gaussian process regression on such spaces!


Further Applications

An Application: Modeling Dynamical Systems with Uncertainty

$$ \htmlData{fragment-index=0,class=fragment}{ x_0 } \qquad \htmlData{fragment-index=1,class=fragment}{ x_1 = x_0 + f(x_0)\Delta t } \qquad \htmlData{fragment-index=2,class=fragment}{ x_2 = x_1 + f(x_1)\Delta t } \qquad \htmlData{fragment-index=3,class=fragment}{ .. } $$

Borovitskiy et al. (2020, NeurIPS)

Pendulum Dynamics: GP on a cylinder

(a) Ground truth

(b) Gaussian process

Borovitskiy et al. (2020, NeurIPS)

Model-based Reinforcement Learning

Video from Deisenroth and Rasmussen (2011)

Bayesian Optimization in Robotics

Joint postures: $\mathbb{T}^d$

Rotations: $\mathbb{S}^3$, $\operatorname{SO}(3)$

Manipulability: $\operatorname{SPD(3)}$

Jaquier et al. (CoRL 2021)

Traffic Speed Extrapolation on a Road Network

(a) Prediction

(b) Standard Deviation

Borovitskiy et al. (2021, AISTATS)

Wind Speed Modeling: Vector Fields on Manifolds

Hutchinson et al. (2021, NeurIPS)

InfoBAX: Shortest Paths for an Unknown Graph

Neiswanger et al. (2021, ICML)

Wind Speed Modeling: Vector Fields on Manifolds

A naive Euclidean model

Wind speed extrapolation on a map

The corresponding model on a globe

Wind Speed Modeling: Vector Fields on Manifolds

A geometry-aware model

Wind speed extrapolation on a map

The corresponding model on a globe

Hutchinson et al. (2021,To appear in NeurIPS)

Thank you!

Thank you!             


V. Borovitskiy, A. Terenin, P. Mostowsky, M. P. Deisenroth. Matérn Gaussian Processes on Riemannian Manifolds.
In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020.

V. Borovitskiy, I. Azangulov, A. Terenin, P. Mostowsky, M. P. Deisenroth. Matérn Gaussian Processes on Graphs.
In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2021.

N. Jaquier, V. Borovitskiy, A. Smolensky, A. Terenin, T. Asfour and L. Rozo. Geometry-aware Bayesian Optimization in Robotics using Riemannian Matérn Kernels. In Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2021.

I. Azangulov, A. Smolensky, A. Terenin, V. Borovitskiy. Stationary Kernels and Gaussian Processes on Lie Groups and their Homogeneous Spaces I: the Compact Case. Preprint arXiv:2208.14960, 2022.

P. Whittle. On Stationary Processes in the Plane. In Biometrika, 1954.

F. Lindgren, H. Rue, J. Lindström. An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach. In Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 2011.

A. Feragen, F. Lauze, S. Hauberg. Geodesic exponential kernels: When curvature and linearity conflict. In IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR) 2015.

M. Deisenroth, C. E. Rasmussen. PILCO: A model-based and data-efficient approach to policy search. In International Conference on machine learning (ICML) 2011.

W. Neiswanger, K. A. Wang, S. Ermon. Bayesian algorithm execution: Estimating computable properties of black-box functions using mutual information. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2021.