Research Directions

My group's primary research aim will be to explore how the geometry of data can help build better uncertainty-quantifying models, particularly for complex data types like molecules and images. Nonetheless, all areas within geometric learning and uncertainty quantification fall within our scope.

PhD Opportunities

You can apply for a PhD position under my supervision through various scholarships or one of the Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) if your research proposal relates to geometric learning or uncertainty quantification.

PhD Scholarships

I support applications for various PhD scholarships. You can find a list of scholarships available at the University of Edinburgh here.

Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs)

I support projects for the following CDTs:

I am also willing to be a secondary advisor for students from the Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Modelling, Analysis & Computation CDT.


I do not currently accept new applications for the Fully-funded PhD in Geometric Learning and/or Uncertainty Quantification call, funded by my personal startup grant. However, I am still processing the submitted applications. You can view the details of the call by clicking .

Fully-funded PhD in Geometric Learning and/or Uncertainty Quantification

Join our new research group at the University of Edinburgh, focusing on geometric learning and uncertainty quantification!

Our primary research aim will be to explore how the geometry of data can help build better uncertainty-quantifying models, particularly for complex data types like molecules and images. However, other research directions within geometric learning and uncertainty quantification will also be available for you to explore. This PhD position offers a unique chance to influence the trajectory of our group's work and contribute significantly to these growing fields.

This PhD position is ideal for candidates interested in the following areas of machine learning:

  • Models that leverage the inherent structure of data, whether explicit or implicit [Geometric Learning]
    (to improve data-efficiency and satisfy constraints)
  • Models that quantify uncertainty associated with predictions [Uncertainty Quantification]
    (to support model-based decision-making techniques and safety-critical applications)

When: Ideally, starting September 2025.

Where: School of Informatics, the University of Edinburgh, one of the top computer science departments globally [1, 2]. More specifically, you will be a part of the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, a vibrant community of researchers in machine learning and related areas.

The program lasts 3.5 years. It is straight to research, meaning no coursework. Teaching is optional. If you teach, you get additional money for it.

Funding: The position is fully-funded. Funds cover all tuition fees, and a standard UKRI-rate stipend. You will also have access to the common travel funds of the institute. Note that stipends are not taxed in the UK. Also, PhD students do not pay council tax, i.e. rent is a bit cheaper for you.
Overall, the stipend should be sufficient to live rather comfortably in Edinburgh, see, e.g., this reddit thread.

Requirements: Python programming skills, solid mathematical background. An international equivalent of the UK 2:1 honours degree (i.e. bachelor's degree with high-enough GPA) in computer science, mathematics, or a related discipline. A master's is desirable but not required. A proof of English language proficiency (can be postponed until after the offer, if so the offer will be conditional on receiving an appropriate proof). See more on this page.

Reaching Out

If you are interested in the opportunities mentioned above, please email me with [phd-appl] tag in the subject line and attach the following:

Please ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for the program and funding by checking the relevant CDT or scholarship pages before applying.

Applications that do not follow the instructions, look too generic, or otherwise not serious will be ignored.

Postdoc Opportunities

I do not have any funded postdoc openings at the moment. However, I am always open to discussing potential collaborations.

Also, you are most welcome to propose a collaboration based on an externally-funded postdoctoral fellowship such as, for example:

Reaching Out

To discuss potential collaborations, please email me with [postdoc-appl] tag in the subject line.